Wish you to have a Beautiful Nightmare. 寂しくて
昨天,我们与兄弟谈话! 我爱你 Kyo!!! 我的抗抑郁药
哈哈哈哈哈哈 XDXD
对不起 Kirobi! 我只是自私 >__< 我简直不敢相信你再也不是我的baby anymore T__T哈哈哈哈哈哈 XD
I wanna see Kirobi's princess but he only says "I dun wan you see her la~ bleck =p"ばか! >__< Hahaha XD Bibi has a girlfriend finally XD Now he won't fuck everyone's brain with it, hahaha XD Interesting to see Bibi's princess *___*
我想我将参观兩次婚禮! Kyo&Miyaki. Kirobi&Kirobi's princess 哈哈哈哈哈哈 XD 也许还 Yunikai&Miyoko too! Haha XD
Always re-watch pictures, haha XD
5 days Bibi was my boyfriend hahahaha XD U can't see but his hand is on my back, he hugs me by one hand, haha XD

什么是Kirobi在做什么??? 哈哈哈哈哈哈 XD 集中Jackson, Yunikai& Kyo, hahaXD

滑稽GinoXD 低JacksonXD 可愛Shinya XD 再次,我和Kirobi hahaXD

Me and my girlfriend ^__^

集中Bibi 哈哈哈哈哈哈 XD

Blacklace band XD Yunikai is funny, Kirobi is sweet, Jackson is law and Jane is pretty as always, haha XD

Sweet couple *__* Yunikai&Miyoko hahaXD

Next time I should make a VISA to Singapore!!! Because my dear Kei is waiting for me! So sad we couldn't meet, because he was too busy with rehearsal >__<
But he wrote that he liked my present (cigarette lighter) so much! I am sooo happy!!!!! ^___^ Thank to Shinya who gave Kei present from me in Singapore^^
Rock star of Singapore.

Can u believe that Kei is 30 years old?!!!!!

My next trip will be to Singapore to Kei, haha XD
Also my babies have a birthdays!! September, October, November, so, I have to send a parcels with presents for them!!!
Present for lovely sister Shinya (Lim Sin Yee). 27th. September
Present for baby brother Kyo. 25th. October
Present for Pamela, my love. 1st. November
Present for my sweet baby Bibi (Kirobi-Han Yao Ping). 8th. November
That's all, folks!
哈哈哈哈哈哈 XD

对不起 Kirobi! 我只是自私 >__< 我简直不敢相信你再也不是我的baby anymore T__T哈哈哈哈哈哈 XD
I wanna see Kirobi's princess but he only says "I dun wan you see her la~ bleck =p"ばか! >__< Hahaha XD Bibi has a girlfriend finally XD Now he won't fuck everyone's brain with it, hahaha XD Interesting to see Bibi's princess *___*
我想我将参观兩次婚禮! Kyo&Miyaki. Kirobi&Kirobi's princess 哈哈哈哈哈哈 XD 也许还 Yunikai&Miyoko too! Haha XD
Always re-watch pictures, haha XD
5 days Bibi was my boyfriend hahahaha XD U can't see but his hand is on my back, he hugs me by one hand, haha XD

什么是Kirobi在做什么??? 哈哈哈哈哈哈 XD 集中Jackson, Yunikai& Kyo, hahaXD

滑稽GinoXD 低JacksonXD 可愛Shinya XD 再次,我和Kirobi hahaXD

Me and my girlfriend ^__^

集中Bibi 哈哈哈哈哈哈 XD

Blacklace band XD Yunikai is funny, Kirobi is sweet, Jackson is law and Jane is pretty as always, haha XD

Sweet couple *__* Yunikai&Miyoko hahaXD

Next time I should make a VISA to Singapore!!! Because my dear Kei is waiting for me! So sad we couldn't meet, because he was too busy with rehearsal >__<
But he wrote that he liked my present (cigarette lighter) so much! I am sooo happy!!!!! ^___^ Thank to Shinya who gave Kei present from me in Singapore^^
Rock star of Singapore.

My next trip will be to Singapore to Kei, haha XD
Also my babies have a birthdays!! September, October, November, so, I have to send a parcels with presents for them!!!
Present for lovely sister Shinya (Lim Sin Yee). 27th. September
Present for baby brother Kyo. 25th. October
Present for Pamela, my love. 1st. November
Present for my sweet baby Bibi (Kirobi-Han Yao Ping). 8th. November
That's all, folks!
哈哈哈哈哈哈 XD